Today I went to Walgreens, and the more I walked around the store, the more I realized that the Walgreens itself was speaking to its customers. Not in the creepy Son of Sam I-hear-voices-everywhere-I-go type of speaking, but a more subtle yet no less suggestive way of conveying messages.
I will translate some of the Walgreens' hidden messages so that everyone can understand.
Walgreens: The candy isle is the skinniest isle in the store.
Message: If you can't fit down this isle you have no business being in it, fatty.
Walgreens: The soap isle is super wide and far back in the corner of the store.
Message: Hey smelly, stay as far away from everyone as possible.
Walgreens: The condoms are in the back next to glucose meters for diabetics.
Message: Have fun trying to get aroused after picking up condoms next to the old lady who looks like your Grandma. And while you're at it, enjoy the walk of shame up to the front of the store because the drunk bar ho you pick up tonight will probably be taking the walk tomorrow.
Walgreens: The gum and breath mints are right at the counter.
Message: Here's a back-up if you can't afford toothpaste. Or if you forgot it and you're too lazy to go back and get it.
Walgreens: Open 24-hours.
Message: For when you absolutely need the pill that kills the baby inside of you RIGHT NOW.
Walgreens: One-hour photo.
Message: You mean you don't have a digital camera? Then you can shuffle around the store for a while. Have fun playing with the kids' toys, dummy. At least it's technology you'll probably understand.
Stay tuned for more subliminal message translations.