Sunday, July 19, 2009

I Believe You Left Your Tool in my Colon

A Chicago Tribune story claims that a dentist is being sued for dropping tools down a patient's throat. The 90 year old patient swallowed the tools on two separate occassions, the second time resulting in death.

During the first incident, the man swallowed some kind of screwdriver or something. He then recieved a colonoscopy and the tool was removed from his intestines.

Now you would think after getting a camera shoved into his rectum and having a tool forcibly removed, the man would have looked for a new dentist.

But no, the patient went back to the same dentist, who again dropped a tool down the man's throat. The patient had to undergo surgery from which he never fully recovered and died.

Everyone knows dentists are sadists. I have survived a few murder attempts by these tooth-fetishizing exectutioners.

What's the difference between a dominatrix and a dentist? There's no joke there, I'm really asking.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is insane! A lot of people fear going to the dentist. Now I can understand why!
