Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Obama Shows his Pimp Hand

In news that made me chuckle, the Associated Press reports that PETA is sending Barack Obama a humane fly-catching device after he swatted a fly during an interview for CNBC.

Seriously PETA?

Obama gave the fly fair warning, saying "Get out of here." When the fly failed to heed his warning, he pimp-slapped it with the lightning fast reflexes of a presidential ninja.

Some may claim that the fly cannot understand English and was therefore an innocent victim. I call BS. I can't speak to dogs, but if one growls at me I'm going to move in the opposite direction. I don't speak Parseltongue, but if a rattlesnake shakes it's ass I know I'll get hurt if I go near it. (Oddly, I take similar caution when human females shake their asses.)

The fly was picking a fight with our president, and was therefore picking a fight with America. The Japanese or the Taliban could have advised the fly on the consequences of its actions.

You mess with Obama, he's gonna bring the smackdown. Lesson learned.


  1. "(Oddly, I take similar caution when human females shake their asses.)"


  2. You know you're gonna die a painful death in either situation.

  3. That PETA story is so ridiculous! Wow, it is wrong to hurt a fly?! Fly abuse?! Yikes, I cannot stand those annoying insects. That is why fly swatters and Raid were invented!

  4. Yeah, and Obama even warned the fly. The fly was a dick, so he had it coming.
