The wacky tobaccy is still illegal under federal law, but Obama's people say they won't interfere in stores that obey state law.
Sales of icky sticky in Rhode Island are still limited to the chronic-ally (get it?) ill. So if you're thinking of taking a trip to the itsy bitsy state just for the good stuff you may want to pick up cancer along the way.
So three down and 47 states to go, though it will likely take a long time before Americans can bust out the blunts and bongs in celebration. On the bright side, if you're high it'll seem like no time at all!
Until then, enjoy watching Planet Earth under your Bob Marley poster in your parents' basement while stuffing your face with Cool Ranch Doritos, you stereotype.
ok i still hold my last comment to be true about you being a writer for some kind of daily newspaper or something hilarious! ... you labeled cool ranch doritos, legalize, marijuana and obama! all in the same sentence!!! HAHAHAHHAAHHA ...ive spetn too much time with junior highers