Wednesday, August 12, 2009

America the Baby-ful

Chances are good that if you've heard any news at all lately, it's been about the "town hall" meeting protests that have been going on. People sneek into these meetings and shout down speakers who are trying to explain the benefits of Obama's health care plan.
Well a new survey by an independent research organization shows that 61% of Americans actually agree with the methods taken by protestors, and many of them claim that these crazies have changed their opinion on health care.

At this point it seems like America is a four year old and Obama is a concerned parent trying to console it. I imagine the conversation going like this:

Obama: Don't you want affordable health care?
America: NO! I don't wanna go to the doctor!
Obama: But it'll be good for you.
America: NO! Canada says it hurts. And they said the doctor is going to kill Grandma!
Obama: They won't kill Grandma and it will hurt less than paying for insurance companies that will drop you anyway. I promise.
America: You're lying!
Obama: Don't you want to grow big and strong like the other industrialized nations?
America: NO NO NO! You're a socialist! I want my Hummers and SUVs! NOW!

Grow the eff up, America.

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