Thursday, August 6, 2009

An Anticlimactic Day in My Life 1

I was sitting on the couch in the living room the other evening with the front door open. Suddenly a dark shape whizzed past from the door, through the living room, and into the kitchen.
I had seen this before and knew exactly what it was. A bat. At first my mom and my friend didn't believe me, but we could see its shadow darting about in the kitchen. So I ran outside and grabbed the fishing net from the shed. By the time I came back, the bat was back in the living room, my mom was hiding in the kitchen, and my friend was outside.
So I walked through the front door, net in hand. The bat instantly swooped at my head. I was caught of guard and fell back against the wall. The ladies laughed at me.
I shook off the embarassment and prepared myself. The bat flew around the room. I could sense an impending battle. The room would surely be destroyed in the fray, which might go on for hours.
As I reached up with my net, prepared to cast the almighty first blow... the bat flew straight into the net.
I took it outside, shook it free, and it flew away.
I put my net away, but not before performing a few heroic poses for the women.


  1. LOL, that is an awesome pic! You are the REAL Batman!

  2. JB... Try putting some of your work on video. Reading it on Web Cam or using Video Editing Software to express your words. My friend has started a new site called Wryte Words. They are creating a site specifically for Poets (and Literay Artists). So if you would like to be a Beta Tester, give it shot.

    PS... I am also a Part-Time Drinker!

  3. Thanks! I'll keep that in mind.
