I am by no means a "fashionable" guy, but I like to look like I'm not a total slacker. But after my recent efforts to update my wardrobe, I must say that guys' fashion has taken a turn for the monotonous. Nearly every piece of clothing you will find in the men's department that isn't taken directly from the pages of the bro uniform handbook is adorned with guitars and skulls. Guitars and skulls are everywhere. I assume this is due to the growing popularity of the game Guitar Hero, which seems to be obsessed with guitars (obviously) and skulls. This presents a problem for me, since I don't play Guitar Hero nearly enough (or have the money to keep buying the games) to be good at it, or to advertise it on my clothing.
Therefore, I have come up with a solution on how to be stylin' without reaching so deep into my wallet. My plan is to wear the decaying corpse of Jimi Hendrix. I believe this will kill two birds with one skeleton, serving to fulfill both the skull and guitar requirements that society demands. I just hope he doesn't shrink in the wash.
Sure, it may smell a little foul, but the grungey, unshowered look is in nowadays as well. Plus, with the time previously spent on making sure I'm clean and smelling decent, I'll be able to play more Guitar Hero.
hahaha goof! this is perfect for yoU! you can work on writing, expressing yourself with a sense of humor. aaannd i can keep in contact wtih you when you go to england and france!! ... i'm thinking of going there two but second semester. you can tell me all about it!! peace and love