Sunday, November 29, 2009

"Hi, I'm Wearing 50 Pairs of Underwear"

Inspired by an event that took place not five minutes ago:

A knock on my door. I open it.

Girl: Hi. I'm wearing 50 pairs of underwear. I'm raising 50 pounds for [whatever cause she was supporting]. Will you... pay me?

My inner thoughts: I'd rather you weren't wearing any underwear. In fact, I'd be more likely to pay you for that.

What I actually said: Sure.

Gave her 4 pounds. Didn't bother to count the pairs of underwear.

I'm all for raising money for causes. Usually I support causes without even knowing what causes they are (see instance above). What I am not for is doing stupid things to "raise awareness" for something.

Just ask me for money. I'm supporting the cause, not you wearing 50 articles of clothing or walking 5 k or attempting to fit as many popsicles into every orifice of your body as possible. Don't cause more suffering to eliminate suffering.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Oh Come On, Youtube!

If you have an account with Youtube, you've probably noticed that there are recommended videos on your home page when you log on. Evidently, these videos are selected for you based on your viewing history, your favorites, your ratings, etc.

So today I saw this in my recommended videos section:

I've watched thousands, literally thousands, of videos on Youtube. I can't recall a single one that would make youtube think I would want to watch lions bumping uglies. I mean I've never watched a Lil Wayne video either (nor, God willing, will I ever), but at least I could understand how that would slip in. I've watched a lot of music videos, so it's not that far off.

But the video that would make Youtube recommend I watch this horizontal jungle boogie eludes my memory. Maybe I've been drunk Youtube-ing again...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I've Been...

I haven't posted anything in a while. I'd like to say I've been busy, but I haven't. I should have been, but nope.

So, apologies all around for not keeping up with my blogs, your blogs, all blogs, current events, anything happening outside of my room, etc.

But I HAVE done something. I set up a deviantART account. I've been putting up some of the drawings I've done lately (which are also on facebook). I probably won't be putting my pastels on that account, but let me know if you want to see them.

The link is here:

Just to get you interested, here's one of my drawings. Hope you like it. I'll try to do more creative stuff soon.