Sunday, November 15, 2009

Oh Come On, Youtube!

If you have an account with Youtube, you've probably noticed that there are recommended videos on your home page when you log on. Evidently, these videos are selected for you based on your viewing history, your favorites, your ratings, etc.

So today I saw this in my recommended videos section:

I've watched thousands, literally thousands, of videos on Youtube. I can't recall a single one that would make youtube think I would want to watch lions bumping uglies. I mean I've never watched a Lil Wayne video either (nor, God willing, will I ever), but at least I could understand how that would slip in. I've watched a lot of music videos, so it's not that far off.

But the video that would make Youtube recommend I watch this horizontal jungle boogie eludes my memory. Maybe I've been drunk Youtube-ing again...

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Well, it does look like that "Lions Mating in the Bush" got lots of views: over a million! It must have been recommended a lot! :D
