A few of you may remember my post about
Barstucks. And if you don't, chances are good you didn't even see it because it is one of the best ideas ever, and you'd definitely remember.
Well it seems that Starbucks has decided to strike back with the most elaborate plan ever to get me to buy coffee from them. Here's how it went down.

Someone posted an offer for an internship on Craigslist that was bound to appeal to me. I applied for said internship. I was contacted about interviewing for said internship. The interview for said internship was to take place at 9:30am on Sunday at, of all places, a Starbucks.
So I went to that Starbucks and waited. When I didn't see anyone who looked like they were there to conduct interviews, I asked two of the customers awkwardly if they were there to interview people. Yeah, I did that. Until one of the employees came over and asked if they could help me (translation: you're freaking out the customers, and you look like a Mormon with your neutral tones, your tie, and your stupid notebook).

So here's where Starbucks wins this round. I ordered a coffee and sat down and waited. For 40 minutes I waited. I figured maybe daylight savings time messed up my interviewer, but she had an interview right before mine, so she should have been there anyway.
The interviewer in question had a twitter, a facebook page, and a linkedin account. So this was probably the most elaborate plot Starbucks has ever used to get someone to buy coffee. Well played Starbucks.
But know that now you have opened a Pandora's Box. Barstucks is a go as soon as I get some investors. You will RUE the day, Starbucks. Commence ruing NOW.
Oh, and what's this? Post number 100 on this blog? THAT'S RIGHT! 100 POSTS! We've come a long way, haven't we? I started off with no fame, and now I have no fame and a false sense of accomplishment. Thanks everybody! Here's to 100 more.
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