Miller called itself "The Champagne of Bottled Beers". Bud had the self-proclaimed title of "King of Beers". What's with probably? It might as well be, "Eh, give it a try. Some people like it." It even trails off at the end with an ellipsis, like they left something off.
The original slogan most likely read, "Probably the best lager in the world. I mean let's be honest, best is a broad category. Some people would judge by taste, which is subjective to each individual, so it's hard to claim any one lager is the best. We make this claim solely on our own preferences. Well actually it's the preference of Bill. He works in accounting. But his preferences might be similar to yours, in which case you might judge this lager as the best."
Even the owner of Men's Warehouse guarantees you'll like the way you look! If you're going to make a product, stand by it. Claim your beer is the best thing since God made sex! Claim it will make you look like Brad Pitt. Claim drinking it is the coolest thing since James Dean sat on an iceberg.
This is probably the best advice Carlsberg has ever gotten...
Reminds me of Hendrick's (gin) slogan: "Preferred by 1 out of every 1000 gin drinkers"