Thursday, September 10, 2009

WTF is Going On? 4th Edition

I was in the car today and I heard a commercial for the new movie Sorority Row. It sounds like the typical teen horror/slasher flick, nothing special. But that wasn't my problem with the commercial.

My issue with the ad came at the end when the announcer claimed that the film was rated R for "Some sexuality, nudity, and party".

Party? What? You can't rate something obscene for "Party". What the hell does that even mean? Is it supposed to be a euphamism for drugs or drinking?

Party is a pretty general term. I mean is this party like a four-year old's birthday at Chuck E. Cheese's or is it a party where people are wearing masks, throwing their keys in a jar, and snorting crack off someone's junk?

So long as we're using generalities in our rating system, why not rate a movie R for Eating. It could mean someone is enjoying a BLT in the film, or it could mean two girls are eating each other's poop.

Eventually no one under 17 will be allowed to see any movie ever. Disney/Pixar's new family film? Rated R. A Dora the Explorer movie? R. A flick featuring The Wiggles? We'll give that one an NC-17.


  1. I'm being sarcastic, dummy.

  2. The Wiggles? Psssssh, they are X material, Mike. Get it right, dumbass.

  3. They don't show actual insertion, so...
