Monday, June 21, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lern 2 Spel, Dooshbag!

Protests serve many purposes. The Civil Rights leaders protested against racism and inequality. The people of Iran protested an election they believed to be unfair. Tea partiers protest tea, or something.
Yes, there are a great many worthy causes to protest for. But perhaps none so worthy as the cause that protestors outside of the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington are fighting for. They are simply asking that we change the spelling of words.

Yeah, there is an oil spill that is destroying all life in the Gulf, America is still at war, and Lady Gaga is still producing "music". But all of those tragedies of the day don't compare to our need to simplify the spelling of words that have been a part of our language for hundreds of years.

Nevermind the fact that thousands of texts in English exist across the globe that would have to be re-printed. Nevermind having to learn your own language all over again. Nevermind the fact that every dictionary in existence would be outdated. Our kids are failing spelling tests! Well, except for those nerds at the spelling bee.

A worthy cause indeed, protestors. Perhaps we could use all of those useless dictionaries to soak up the oil spill. And stuff Lady Gaga in the pipe for good measure. Brilliant.

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