Remember those Chilean miners that were stuck underground when the mine collapsed? No? Seriously, get outside, you lazy stoner.
Well they have been rescued after 69 days of being trapped underground. It's a truly inspiring story of human survival and cooperation. Only a heart of stone wouldn't be touched by their stories.
Like one survivor who the other miners nicknamed "the doctor". He was a trained paramedic who went around taking care of the others, giving them flu shots, etc. You might be thinking, "What a wonderful person he is."
Hang on.
Apparently while he was trapped underground, his wife was waiting anxiously at the surface of the site, hoping her husband would emerge safe and sound. His mistress, however, was doing the same thing. Yeah, his mistress. Wife and mistress met and began to fight over the good doctor. Eventually his wife said that she would be staying with her husband, despite the appearance of this third wheel.
Great. The doctor was alive. His wife still loved him and wanted to be with him after finding out about his infidelity. And he was well on the way to being rescued. Everything turned out for the best.
Hang on.
The doctor sent word to the surface that when he was rescued, he wanted both his wife and mistress to be present to greet him. Yeah. He actually did that.
I don't know if the mine was producing some sort of stupid gas or something. Seriously, guy. Did you think this disaster entitled you to a menage trois? Actually, if it doesn't I don't know what does.
His mistress showed up to greet him. His wife did not. She's leaving him.
Thing is, FOUR OTHER MINERS had mistresses waiting for them at the surface. Speculation is that many are trying to get their hands on the compensation money and the fortune that will come from selling their story after their rescue.