Monday, October 24, 2011

Jumping Ponds: My Roommate

Re-posted from Jumping Ponds, 1/3/2010.

Just thought I'd introduce you to the dude I shared a bathroom with. He liked to chill out under the tub and watch me pee. Kinda creepy... and crawly. But so long as I didn't bother him, he didn't bother me. Take a look.

1 comment:

  1. I am soooo scared of spiders, so I'd be afraid to meet your bathroom buddy. Since we're going into Halloween week, one of my local TV channels is showing old late night horror movies, with the victims being attacked by critters that crawl and jump. The other night, I watched an old '70s movie called "Frogs." I was never scared of frogs...until I saw this movie. It may be a while before I want to see Kermit again. Then there was a '50s movie called "Them!" The "them" were killer ants. No more picnics for me!!
