Saturday, December 10, 2011

Conversing is Fun 4: Pwned Pervs and Chipwrecked Edition

I haven't blogged in a while.  You can complain if you want, but it won't do you any good.  Best to just get over it and move on.

As always, click the pic to view in full size.

No it doesn't.

I'm not very good at roleplay.
Wow, for a second there I totally thought I was Jennifer.  Sorry, dude.

There are no girls on the internet.  It's a fact.

To be honest, I doubt it can top The Squeakuel.

You may be thinking that these conversations, while hilarious, are a little tame.  You'd be right.  But come on, my family reads this.  For the R-rated stuff and extended convos you'll have to follow me on Google+.  Send me a message and I'll add you to my circles.

Follow it on Facebook.