Monday, October 10, 2011

Jumping Ponds: French Airports, Terrorists, and Kids Walking Into Glass

Re-posted from Jumping Ponds, 12/20/2009.

I spent a lovely day at Charles De Galle airport in France. I don't speak French, but the French seem to be aware of the fact that many of the country's visitors aren't familiar with the language. So they put up signs like the one above where I decided to camp out for a few hours. It looked something like this:

I assume it meant that I should give up my seat for the disabled, blind, deaf, or... two-faced maybe?

Well I didn't have to give up my seat for any of those people, but I was forced to move when an unattended bag caused security to shut down the whole section of the airport.

Just when things seemed to die down and get boring again, a young lady had an emotional breakdown and stirred things up. All I heared was, "...hate eveRYONE! I HATE IT!" This caused the whole airport to turn around and stare at the sobbing lady (keep in mind that most of these people don't speak English) at the front of the ticket line.

But the funniest thing that happened went down as I was waiting to get on my plane. A little boy was talking on his mom's phone. He wasn't paying attention as he walked and talked, and he smacked into a window, hard. Don't worry he was fine.

I, on the other hand, was doing my damnedest not to crack up. I was literally biting my lip trying not to laugh, which only made it worse. Then the kid started talking to his mom in French and the only word I caught was "boom". This made it impossible not to start laughing. Every time I tried to stop laughing, something prevented me. As soon as I would calm down, I'd have a thought like, "Did that kid think he was Harry Potter trying to get to platform 9 and 3/4?" Then I'd calm down and notice the face and hand prints on the glass and start laughing again. So I'm the only person in the airport with tears in my eyes, biting my lip, and doing a very poor job of trying to shut up.

The moral of this story is no matter what language you speak, a kid walking into a window is hilarious.

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