Thursday, January 14, 2010


A maintenance worker in the hangar of the space shuttle Discovery found a bag of cocaine outside of the men's room. Reportedly, this is all part of NASA's plan to cut costs in this troubled economy. It's cheaper to buy everyone a dime bag and make them think they are in space than actually paying to send people into space.

This calls into question every other space mission NASA has been a part of. Did we really land on the moon, or was everyone involved just stoned? The late sixties were a time of tremendous drug experimentation. Maybe Neil and Buzz just crashed into the Rockies and felt like there was less gravity. Astronauts on the moon certainly walk like they're coked out.

And that water that scientists found on the moon? Who's to say that someone didn't just have a coke sneeze on a monitor and thought it was water?

Of course, it could all be an alien conspiracy to smuggle drugs off the planet. That could also be why they are probing our anals, to see how much blow we can hide up there.

And no, I wasn't stoned when I wrote this.

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