Monday, March 7, 2011

What Have I Been Doing?

So there have been a few less blog posts lately.  Big deal.  I've been busy, ok?

What have I been doing, you ask?  A lot.  I've been drinking and traveling and writing stand-up comedy with my buddy Steve, whose blog is here and is justifiably far more popular than mine.

I've also been applying for jobs.  Contrary to popular beliefs, writing amazing blog posts doesn't pay dem bills or move me out of dat parents' house.  Here's one question on a recent job application and my response.  Nothing offensive or shocking here, just pure cleverness.  But I felt bad not updating you guys in a while, so enjoy.  Click on the picture to enlarge it if it's too small to read:

Like it on Facebook.


  1. Haha, what job application is that? The BEST one, that's what.

  2. actually it's for an internship in marketing at a software company. The other question said to write as a turtle from a first person perspective and answer "what is your greatest accomplishment". I had some fun with that one, too.

  3. Good luck, friend! You are an awesome writer. Here's hoping you get the job.

  4. Haha, I got a good laugh from that. Clever.
