Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ashes to Ashes, Forehead to Toast

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, so I got up early to go to church and get some ashes on my forehead... bahahahaha. Kidding. Totally kidding. Come on. I'd burst into flames if something holy touched me.

But I did do laundry yesterday, and I like to think that Jesus was a fan of fresh linens.

Now I don't mean to make fun of Catholics. After all, I was baptized Catholic. But here we go.

So the priest has to spread ashes in the sign of the cross on people's foreheads on Ash Wednesday. He probably does it all morning, and over a lifetime probably does it hundreds and maybe thousands of times. So why in the name of Xenu does everyone look like they fell head first into their morning burnt toast?

It's a simple shape. Just a +, right? And these guys should be experts. Like the Da Vincis of crosses. But everyone just looks like they took a knock to the forehead from Ali's knuckles.

I'm not saying people shouldn't get ashes on their forehead. I can totally see the benefits. Like you could probably wear whatever you want that day. It doesn't matter how stupid you look because everyone will be focused on that black mark on your noggin. All I'm saying is that maybe these priests should take an art class at the community college. Like fingerpainting 101 or something?


  1. There's like no one religious in Evanston, so when I came here freshman year I was flabbergasted as to why everyone's forehead was dirty and had to ask. I looked STOOPID

  2. More stoopid than an ashy forehead?

  3. Must be losing the creative juices if all you have to write about is making fun of the way a priest delivers ashes, eh?

  4. I did throw in a joke about linens. That's comedy gold right there.

  5. When I was little (and went to Catholic school), no one ever wanted to get ashes from the priest who made ridiculously big messed up crosses. I really empathize with this post.
